Introduction to them:youth

Saturday, 17 April 2010

them:youth live shows

them:youth are about to announce their first live shows of 2010 plus some exclusive World Cup parties to boot - its gonna be a party that's for sure.

Introductions Mflow & Gogoyoko

Its been an informative week. Big Hands Recordings was introduced to gogoyoko a new streaming service from Iceland that encourages users to purchase the music they're listening to as well streaming for free. It appears to be a positive introduction for them:youth, doing exactly what is says it will with revenue already starting to come in.

I guess it's a similar idea to spotify.

MFlow is the other service we're starting to dabble with as well and again it will be interesting to see how all these new streaming services effect new independent artists.With Mflow you follow users and I guess listen to their suggestions.

One of the other reasons for the post was I've linked the Big Hand Recordings twitter, facebook and blog via and wanted to see what happened! Now we'll see...

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

The Reason For Being....

It's probably about time to explain what we're doing here, what we're hoping to achieve and just how we're gonna do it!

We honestly believe that these are incredibly exciting times for young artists & bands starting out and getting into music. It's not so exciting if you're one of the big 4 watching your business slide down the pan that must be just like watching the titanic sink in real time....

There are so many ways to get heard nowadays and all the tools you need to do it plus the ability to get to market is pretty easy.

This isn't going to be another instruction site with tips on how to do that there are truck loads of sites explaining how to do that much better than we can.

We're just here to shout about things that appeal and to hopefully give a leg up to those artists that might need it.

Them:Youth are our first signing and they're recording their debut right now. The plan for T:Y is to release around June we think. Depends on how it all goes and when all the tools and tricks are ready to help promote it.

We'll be looking for other bands to join the Big Hand family that have recorded, mastered and released in another territory with a fanbase that are looking to license to a label like us so that can give them a UK/Europe leg up & distribution etc & help to build a presense outside of their own market.

The aim is to work in music, to carve out a living working with creative folk who just can't do anything else, feeding a passion and feeling a connection, it's not rocket science there's just not any other way!

Monday, 8 February 2010

Monday, 25 January 2010

them:youth in the studio

The boys are in the studio at the moment with Ivan the producer. Even though it's early days and they're way off from finishing the vibes, attitude and excitment are being felt by those on the outside of those sessions. Keep checking back for updates and confirmed release dates etc

them:youth - Castaway remix of Lost & Lonely

Saturday, 16 January 2010

New Logo perhaps

This seems to be the favourite so far!

Sunday, 3 January 2010